Sign up for our free pickup and delivery service

By joining, your home or office will be added to our pick up and delivery route.

Weekly text notifications allow you to request a pick up.

We pick up on Wednesday and deliver back on Monday.

We currently service many office buildings and zip codes in the Grand Rapids area

We will reach out if you are outside our delivery areas.

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We will text you a reminder every Tuesday before we pick up Wednesday. Please reply SKIP ASAP or by 8 PM if you do not need a pick-up.
We will email you a confirmation and payment link, as well as urgent delivery messages on occasion. We will never sell or share your email.
Let us know where we will find your clothing bag and where you'd like us to hang delivered items (front porch, side door etc). A clothing hook (similar to a wreath holder) will be provided for your door at your first order PICK UP. Simply place your first order in a secure drawstring bag of any type and enclose your confirmation email OR name/address/cell. A personalized nylon bag for your future orders will be sent with your first delivery.
We do not offer Heavy starch as textile studies have confirmed that the life of the garment is reduced significantly from starch build up. Our Starch is gluten free to avoid skin reactions for customers with gluten allergies.
Authorization to do the following without calling you first.
Some customers prefer weekly service while others only once or twice a month. This as-needed service allows you flexibility to choose what's best for you. JUST REMEMBER TO REPLY SKIP when you don't have a bag. Repeated trips with "no show, no bag" will eventually result in delivery fees.
Terms of service

Clothing care details

This section is included because we know your clothing is an investment and we believe an informed customer is the best customer.We also know that textile care is complicated business and a science. The more you understand about your clothing, how it’s made and the cleaning process, the better our relationship will be (because we want it to be great!).

Responsibility: We stand behind our work, if we ruin something we will take immediate responsibility. By law, everything has to have a suggested method of cleaning in the care label, which is our service guide. If problems occur, despite our strict adherence to manufacturer’s directions, you need to agree not to hold us responsible for following the manufacturer rules. In most cases, things will be perfect, but things are not made the way they used to be and substandard manufacturing, textiles and trim need to be the responsibility of the manufacturer, and the retailer that sells it. Please buy from reputable retailers who stand behind what they sell you.

  1. BEADS AND TRIM: our specialty, but you need to know there is always a risk despite our experience and professional methods. Many manufacturers improperly label garments and fail to test trim. Buttons, beads, sequins, leather pieces, belt buckles, decorative zippers among others can fail despite proper care. Basically, beware the bling!
  2. SPOT REMOVAL on delicate garments- some fabrics (like Tommy Bahama silks) are made with soluble dyes that are weak, the spotting may distort the dye and lighten it. This is rare, but can happen.
  3. HOUSEHOLD ITEMS: These undetected problems can appear AFTER cleaning. Be especially careful with custom made items- get cleaning instructions from the designer and SAVE them.
  4. BED SPREADS: stuffing can clump or shift, and color fading can occur, especially in areas of bedding that are in contact with saliva and body oils. Some Shrinkage too.
  5. DRAPERIES: colors can fade, and shrinkage. A deterioration known as “sun rot” can occur in areas where direct sunlight or moisture are present. With sun rot, draperies look fine before cleaning then vertical splits are visible on the weakened fibers after the process.
  6. FAULTY DYES: Garments are made with faulty dyes and pigment dyes (made to fade). These dyes are soluble (break down and bleed in cleaning solvent or water) and migrate to other areas of the garments. Jeans may get lighter on the seams, a color blocked dress that’s pink and white may result in the pink bleeding on to the white. Although this is rare, it usually happens the first time a faulty garment is cleaned and we will reach out or bring it to your immediate attention.
  7. STRESS TEARS: Mens dress shirts have a life expectancy of 35 commercial launderings with starch. After time, tears can occur on the elbows and across the back where fabric gets the most tension. Cross fibers of the weave are often in tact with only some of the threads failing. We can’t predict when these weakened fibers will fail, and this type of tear is unavoidable, we will bring it to your attention if it happens to any of your your shirts.
  8. POCKET LOADS: Don’t forget to check your pockets! If you leave an ink pen, lipstick, candy etc. in your pocket and it melts or explodes, it may damage your garment beyond repair!

As a full service cleaner, we provide both dry and wet cleaning, iron/press only service, as well as laundered shirts.  We process an array of household items like comforters and slip covers, as well as specialty garments including uniforms, theater costumes and mascots.

Closed on Holiday Weekends and all Major Holidays.

4551 Cascade Rd. SE


Monday - Friday: 8am - 6pm
Saturday: 9am to 1pm

1138 Michigan NE


Monday - Friday: 8am - 6pm
Saturday: 9am to 1pm

Now offering free pick-up and delivery to homes and office buildings participating in our weekly route service in the Grand Rapids, MI area.

Terms of service

© afendoulis cleaners & tuxedos.
web design & direction megan dorien