Reach out today

Our family is eager to serve your family. Siblings Becky and Stathi are at your service!

We have two convenient store locations and the most convenient option, service at your own front door!

1138 Michigan NE

616-459-9169 Same Day Service weekdays in by 9 am.  Monday – Friday: 8am – 6pm
Saturday: 9am to 1pm

4551 Cascade Rd. SE Lower Level

616-940-2855  Next day Service Weekdays if in by 3 pm
Monday – Friday: 8am – 6pm
Saturday: 9am to 1pm

Get free pickup and delivery

Weekly text notifications allow you to request a pick up. We pick up on Wednesday and deliver back Friday (to homes) or Monday (to offices).

Click here to signup.

map of afendoulis
Closed on Holiday Weekends and all Major Holidays

We have two convenient store locations and the most convenient option, service at your own front door!

Closed on Holiday Weekends and all Major Holidays

1138 Michigan NE

Monday – Friday: 8am – 6pm
Saturday: 9am to 1pm

Free pickup and delivery

Weekly text notifications allow you to request to pick up, pick up on Wednesday deliver back on Friday.

Click here to signup.

4551 Cascade Rd. SE Lower Level Back side. Easy entry on Forest Hill or Cascade Rd.

Monday – Friday: 8am – 6pm
Saturday: 9am to 1pm

“afendoulis is an inspiration”

“The Afendoulis family supports the local community and will always have my business. It seems that at every fundraiser I attend, they have contributed goods and services or some form of support. For a small family business to be so involved in our local community is no small matter to me! They are an inspiration.”

– Peter Albertini

You can send us a direct message via the form below

12 + 5 =

Now offering free pick-up and delivery to homes and office buildings participating in our weekly route service in the Grand Rapids, MI area.

Terms of service

© afendoulis cleaners & tuxedos.
web design & direction megan dorien